Terms and Conditions


Please have our fur guests on a collar/harness or leashed when entering the store. 10-15 minutes behavioral assessment prior to service 


A Certificate of vaccination is required with the following up to date:


Distemper -(may appear as DDPP, DA2PP, DA2HPPv, 5 in 1 etc. 

Bordetella – This vaccine may vary, annually or bi-annual. 

Males-Neutered, Females-Spayed 

Puppies must be at least 4 months of age 

Must be using Flea and Tick Prevention 

Certificate MUST be signed by a licensed vet NO booklets OR INVOICES as per NYC Dept of Health


Dropoff For DAYCARE ONLY: Monday – Friday 6am-7pm (Residents use inside door if  prefer) (non-residents-use front entrance) 

Saturday & Sunday-8am –6pm 

***Drop off and pick up (residents only) is available up to an 1hr prior or after, for an  additional fee of $15

PLEASE DO NOT MIX WET AND DRY FOOD. (It is best to pack a little extra food just in-case.  Our four-legged guests get hungry playing all day.) 

FRESH FOOD (ex: cooked food) REFRIGERATED ITEMS SHOULD BE PACK INDIVIDUALLY. Daily feeding instructions written down for our staff. 

Bowls are NOT REQUIRED, we will provide. 

Do not bring beds 

We will provide blankets. 

A maximum of 1 toy per dog. 

*Please label personal items* DO NOT BRING ANYTHING OF VALUE TO YOU *Please have them on a collar/harness or leashed when entering the store. 


Daycare Policies + Terms


In the event that your pet causes injury to any person or another animal while in our daycare facility, you agree to be fully responsible for any medical expenses incurred as a result of that injury. This includes, but is not limited to, veterinary bills, emergency medical services, and any associated costs related to the treatment of the injured party. By signing this agreement, you acknowledge and accept your liability for such expenses and agree to indemnify our facility against any claims arising from your pet’s actions. It is recommended that you maintain appropriate pet insurance to cover potential liabilities. 

Late Pick Up:

If you arrive after our designated closing time, a fee of $1 per minute will be incurred for each minute your pet remains with us beyond that time. Should you fail to arrive within a period of a half hour after closing, Your pet will be required to stay overnight at the closest boarding facility of your choosing at your expense. This policy is in place to ensure the well-being of all animals in our care and to maintain our operational schedule. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Possible Risks:

All pets are thoroughly evaluated for behavior and temperament before being admitted into our Daycare facility, and a qualified Daycare professional supervises the pets at all times to ensure their safety and well-being. However, despite these precautions, there are inherent risks associated with group interactions and unforeseen circumstances that may arise. These situations can include, but are not limited to, minor injuries, behavioral issues, or health-related incidents that could occur despite our best efforts. By acknowledging these potential risks, clients agree to proceed with our services understanding that we prioritize safety but cannot eliminate all possibilities of unexpected events.


Although accidents are very rare, there is an inherent risk when dealing with animals that cannot be entirely eliminated. Your pet’s safety and comfort remain our highest priority, and we will take every precaution to ensure their well-being. In the event that an accident does occur, we will promptly notify you of the situation. If we assess that the incident is serious, and you are unavailable, we will take necessary measures to ensure your pet receives immediate veterinary attention.

Flea + Tick:

In the event that our staff discovers fleas or ticks on your pet during their visit, we will proceed with a flea and tick shampoo treatment to ensure the health and well-being of your animal. Please be advised that the cost of this treatment will be added to your bill. This measure is essential to prevent the spread of these pests and to maintain a safe environment for all pets in our care. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated in maintaining the highest standards of pet hygiene.


In compliance with local laws, it is mandatory for all dogs to be vaccinated against rabies, bordetella, and Parvo (DA2PP/Distemper) to ensure the safety and health of the community. As such, we require you to provide us with a current copy of your pet’s vaccination records. Protecting the wellbeing of all animals and individuals is our top priority.

Health Check:

I confirm that my pet is currently free from any signs of contagious illness and has not exhibited symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 2 days. I understand that it is my responsibility to monitor my pet’s health and to inform the service provider immediately should any symptoms arise prior to or during the service period. Furthermore, I acknowledge that failure to disclose any health issues may result in the termination of services to protect the well-being of other animals and personnel.